Recorder 1947, US, pk, 1.20,4 - 0 Ft.
Packard, 1965, HU, pm, 1.21,0, Boccaccio
Opel Record, 1964, HU, sk, 1.30,1, Halebran
Márkás, 1962, HU, pm, 1.29,6, Halebran
Lektor, 1961, HU, pm, 1.26,5, Scot Palmer
Junior, 1959, HU, pm, 1.24,7, The Skipper
Iluska, 1958, HU, pk, 1.23,6, Uniforme
Holdsugár, 1957, HU, stpk, 1.29,6, The Skipper
Gigant, 1956, HU, pm, 1.23,6, Never Stop
Eredmény, 1954, HU, sm, 1.26,5, Gala Peter
Phonograph 1940, US , pm , 1.14,1 |
Volomite , 1926, US, pm, 1.16,6 | Peter Volo | Peter the Great |
Nervolo Belle |
Cita Frisco | San Francisco |
Symphonia , 1924, US, pk, 1.16,4 | Guy Axworthy | Axworthy |
Lillian Wilkes |
Mary Tipton |  |
Kaka Abbey 1939, US , ?k , |
Guy Abbey , 1925, US, ?m, 1.18,8 | Guy Axworthy | Axworthy |
Lillian Wilkes |
Abbacy | The Abbe |
Regal McKinney |
Selka , 1915, US, pk, 1.17,8 | Peter the Great |  |
Eva Bellini |  |
Recorder, 1947, US, pk, 1.20,4, Phonograph
Kaka Abbey, 1939, US, ?k, , Guy Abbey
Selka Abbey, 1936, US, pk, , Guy Abbey
Selka Guy, 1927, US, pk, 1.27,6, Guy Axworthy
Adam, 1924, US, sm, 1.18,9, Arion Guy
Selka, 1915, US, pk, 1.17,8, Peter the Great