Welcome to the site of the National Trotting Breeders' Association (ÜTOE) of Hungary.
You can read some facts about Hungary here:
Hungary in Wikipedia, Hungary in the CIA World Factbook.
The New York Times: Hungary's Spirit Are Back on a Horse - April 19th 2009
On this site you can find general and detailed informations about the breeding of trotters. There are informations about the trotting breed, breeding regulations, the breeders and owners reporting duties in general. There are short lists of the yearlings born in Hungary, a list of the stallions for the actual year and you can find the forms necessary for making the reports to the stud book.
Hungary is traditionally a horsebreeding country, trotters are bred since the end of the XIXth century. Hungarian trotters had great successes in the first part of the XXth century, the trotters bred in Hungary raced very successful in Europe. Nowdays most of the trotters are american blooded (standardbred). There are 350-400 broodmares, 40 stallions and 450-650 horses in training, yearly produced 120-200 foals.
The association was founded in the year 1994 regarding the Act of animal husbandry (1993. CXIV. Act).The ÜTOE is aknowledged by the Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development for the trotting breed in Hungary and as breeding organization.
In our database you can search for trotters registered in Hungary and make a theoretical mating. There are all trotters born since 1970 with their best marks (km time).
An example for the theoretical mating: http://www.ugeto.com/node/999010414 (Wall Street Banker (full brother of Valley Victory) combined with Derengő (the dam of the fastest Hungarian trotter Merengő 1.13,6).
There is a service to see the number of the offspring of a stallion by year, number which raced, number of horses better than a mark (you can choice it), number and names of daughters which got broodmares. (There are only the stallions which were used in Hungary.) For example click the name of Talent Scout the famous American bred stallion in the 70-ties.
There is an opportunity to see a list of the trotters born in Hungary since 1970, click Csikólista. You can click Beállítható lista, and you can search for horses by sire or dam combined with the year of birth.
This is the link to the site of NLKft (National Horseracing Company) at Kincsem Park - Trotting Database, you can search in the database of races.
In the field of the search you have to write a part of the name of the horse, or the whole name, if the horse is in the database the name will appear with year of foaling and country of birth, after this click the button „mehet”, you will see a 4 gen. pedigree. There will be after the name the year of foaling, color and gender, record (km.time), earnings in HUF, breeder. Below there are the offspring of a mare (Ivadékai means offspring). At the sire are shown the 5 best off his offspring. Below the dams you will find theirs offspring. Of course you find only horses which are in the database.
An example for a pedigree: http://www.ugeto.com/node/999011591
(Merengő - The fastest Hungarian trotter 1.13,6)
The database is continualy updated. At the present time (January 2010) there are all the trotters born in Hungary since 1970 to 2008, but there are earlier trotters to. There are all the trotters which raced in Budapest since 2000 to the present time, including imported trotters.
You can get more informations about Hungarian horsebreeding. On the right side you can visit other Hungarian equine sites (Ajánlott magyar oldalak), so there are all the sites of the breeds recognized in Hungary.
Magyar Lótenyésztő és Lovas Szervezetek Szövetsége - Federation of Hungarian Horsebreeders’ and Equine Associations
Furioso-North Star Lótenyésztő Országos Egyesület - Furioso-North Star Horse-Breeding National Association
Kisbéri és Gidrán Lótenyésztő Országos Egyesület - National Breeders' Association of Kisbéri and Gidrán
Magyar Hidegvérű Lótenyésztő Országos Egyesület - Hungarian Breeders' Association of Cold Blooded
Magyar Lipicai Lótenyésztők Országos Egyesülete - Hungarian Lipizzan Breeders' Association
Magyarországi Arablótenyésztők Egyesülete - Society of the Hungarian Arabian Breeders
Magyarországi Galopp Versenyló Tenyésztők Egyesülete - Hungarian Gallop Racehorse Breeders' Association
Magyarországi Quarter Horse Tenyésztők Egyesülete - Hungarian Quarter Horse Association
Magyar Sportlótenyésztők Országos Egyesülete - Hungarian Sport Horse Breeders Association
Nóniusz Lótenyésztő Országos Egyesület - National Nonius Breeders' Association
Póni és Kislótenyésztők Országos Egyesülete - National Pony and Smallhorse Breeders' Association
There is the equine dictionary of the Hungarian Jockeyclub on the site in four languages Hungarian - English - German - French.
We’d like to attract your attention to the site of the leading Hungarian stud (trotters and sport horses) radihaza.hu .
Furthermore we attract your attention to the site of Ms. Bernhardt ( bernhardt.hu ), who is an excellent Hungarian horsepainter. In the case you are interested in her works please contact her directly, or through our site. You can have a look at her paintings here.
E mail: ugeto@ugeto.com , ugeto1@index.hu
Postal adress: 1437 Budapest Pf. 296/1 Hungary
Fax: (36) 1-264 2202